The Constitution of the “The Agricultural Economics Club, Sylhet Agricultural University” (AEC SAU), Bangladesh
Article I. Organization’s Name and Logo
The organization will formally be known as the “Agricultural Economics Club” or “AEC SAU” for Short.
Article II. Organization’s Purpose
AEC SAU is a non-political organization and the main purpose of this organization is to increase awareness and knowledge of economic issues among AEC SAU members and the overall Sylhet Agricultural University community. The organization also provides a venue for student-members to examine issues related to academic success, career success, and related matters. An emphasis is placed on connecting students and creating networking opportunities in an effort to extend economic education beyond the classroom.
Article III. Membership
Section 1.
Membership in AEC SAU will be open to any interested undergraduate and graduate students from the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies at the Sylhet Agricultural University; regardless of ethnic background, gender, or appearance.
Section 2.
If deemed necessary, a person's membership may be reviewed by the club Executive Committee members for repeated or serious violations of the club constitution. Members may also be expelled by an anonymous vote of the club Executive Committee members for gross ethical or professional misconduct.
Section 3.
Alumni Membership will be available to former members of the AEC SAU. Members who shall be granted automatic Alumni Membership will be: Former members of the Executive Committee and the graduate students (if they want to be).
Article IV. Executive Committee
A new committee, a maximum of six members- president, secretary, and advisors, will be formed at least 30 days before the tenure of the current committee. A meeting will be arranged by that committee, simultaneously will announce the name of members and request to avail their tasks. Executives would assign on the basis of potentiality, dedication, and extracurricular activities.
Section 1.
The AEC SAU Executive Committee will consist of the:
- President (1
- Vice President (2, One male and one female);
- General Secretary (1);
- Joint Secretary (2, One male and one female);
- Organizing Secretary(1);
- Associate Organising secretary (1);
- Treasurer (1);
- Associate Treasurer (1);
- Office secretary (1);
- Communications and Public Relations Secretary (1);
- International Communication and Public Relation secretary (1);
- Seminar and Event management Secretary (2, One male and one female);
- Photojournalist (2);
- Executives (5).
The creation of additional sub- Executive Committee positions must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee and with the support of the advisor.
Section 2.
All types of executive members will be reserved only for AEC SAU. The Subject committee recommended students will have accomplished all sorts of activities.
Section 3.
The President is the chief of the Executive Committee of AEC SAU.
The duties of the President shall include:
- Coordinates meetings of the club;
- Chairs all meetings of the club;
- Calls emergency meetings;
- Provides leadership to the club;
- Works directly with the advisor to ensure the club is operating within the expectations of the members;
- Acts as the chief spokesperson of the club;
- The President is also in charge of creating additional sub-committees and allocation of responsibilities to maintain the organization;
- Will have the voting power;
- Shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member.
Section 4.
The duties of the Vice President will include:
- Vice President(s) shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President, assist the President in managing the activities and meetings of the club.
- Will have the voting power.
Section 5.
The duties of the General Secretary will include:
- Coordinates meetings of the club;
- Handles the correspondence of the club and keeps records of it;
- Maintains official records of meetings;
- Informs Executive Committee members of deadlines for reports, mailings, future commitments;
- Coordinates mailing of notices/newsletters to area alumni;
- Maintains a roster of Executive Committee with current address, including email, and telephone information;
- Maintains complete and up-to-date copies of the club’s bylaws and other organizational documents;
- Will have the voting power;
- Shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member.
Section 6.
The duties of the Joint Secretary (One male and one female) will include:
- Joint Secretary will be General Secretary at meetings in the absence of the General Secretary. And, he/she will assist General Secretary;
- Will have the voting power
Section 7.
The duties of the organizing secretary will include:
- Monitor if the other officials are performing their duties correctly;
- Direct and remind their responsibilities if necessary;
- Evaluate their performance in the general meeting;
- Will have the voting power.
Section 8.
The duties of the associate organizing secretary will be to perform the jobs of organizing secretary in the absence of the organizing secretary and he has the voting power.
Section 9.
The duties of the Treasurer will include:
- Oversees club finances, collects dues, monthly fees from the members and receives other monies;
- Follows best financial practices;
- Assists the president and other Executive Committee members in preparing program budgets and financial controls;
- Maintains and supervises club bank accounts;
- Ensures that there is more than one signatory on all bank accounts;
- Ensures that adequate budget and financial controls are maintained;
- Pays all club bills on time.
- Will be a voting member of the Executive Committee;
Section 10.
The duties of the associate treasurer will be to perform the jobs of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer and he has the voting power.
Section 11.
- The duties of the office Secretary will include:
- Handles the list of correspondence of the club and keeps records of it;
- Maintains official records of meetings;
- Informs Executive Committee members of deadlines for reports, mailings, future commitments;
- Coordinates mailing of notices/newsletters to area alumni;
- Maintains a roster of Executive Committee with current address, including email, and telephone information;
- Maintains complete and up-to-date copies of the club’s bylaws and other organizational documents;
- Will be a voting member of the Executive Committee.
Section 12.
The duties of the Communication and Public Relations secretary will include:
- Publicizes club activities through email, social media, and the club website;
- Works closely with the General Secretary to maintain records of correspondence;
- Works with the press to ensure factually accurate pieces regarding the AEC SAU are published and to promote the AEC SAU;
- Will be a voting member of the Executive Committee;
- Communicate with other national organizations to broaden the scope of AEC SAU.
Section 13.
The duties of the International Communication and Public Relations secretary will include:
- Ensure communications with foreign institutions;
- Gather all the relevant information which will be helpful for the club to broaden the international scope;
- Present all the updates at the time of the general meeting;
- Will be a voting member of the Executive Committee.
Section 14.
The duties of the photojournalist
- The photojournalist will create news articles using mainly photographs;
- Take photos from every event;
- Send photos to Communications and Public Relations and Office Secretary.
Section 15.
The duties of the Seminar and Event Management Secretary will include:
- Collaborates with other members of the executive committee to create and execute exciting, interesting events for the club constituency;
- Ensures the fiscal viability of all events;
- Maintains a list of events and statistics throughout the year;
- Works closely with the secretary, public relations and communication secretary and Treasurer to promote upcoming events.
- Will be a voting member of the Executive Committee.
Section 16.
The duties of the Executive members will include:
- Support the responsible Executive Committee in times if necessary;
- During general meetings to perform the duty of any one of the following Executive Committee members in a time of their absence (if necessary).
- Will be a voting member of the Executive Committee.
Article IV. Executive Committee Member Selection
All Club Executive Committee members for the next working year will be “SELECTED” by the President, Vice-president, General Secretary, and Advisiorial Chief. This personnel will hold all the powers for taking any decisions regarding the selection procedure and their decision will be final. They are not responsible to explain “Why?” to the general members rather than the existing Executive Committee (to some extent).
In the case of selecting the next Executive Committee the following factors may be considered:
- Engagement with the club;
- Norms and values;
- Contribution to the club;
- Leadership and communication skills;
- Extra and co-curricular activities;
- Internal relationship with team members;
- Others.
Article V. Advisory Body
Section 1.
AEC SAU will have an advisory body consisting of 9 members. Term of the Advisory committee will exist for 2 years.
Section 2.
Who will be the advisors?
- Any Lecturer, Assistant professor, Associate professor, and Professor, from the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies (AEBS), Sylhet Agricultural University can be an advisor.
- Anyone from any institutions from whom the AEC SAU will be benefitted can be an advisor.
- Members from the previous committee can be the member of this advisory body.
- Anyone who has B.Sc.Ag.Econ. (Hons.) degree from SAU can be an advisor.
The advisors will be selected by the steering committee, on the basis of prior consultation of the preceding president as well as the general secretary.
Article VI. Amendments
Section 1.
- Any active member may propose amendments to this Constitution. Such a proposal must be submitted in writing to the President.
- The Executive Committee will take these amendments into consideration. In deciding whether amendments are valid or not, proposed changes or amendments to the Constitution must be in line with the organization’s stated purpose in Article II and do not violate any university-wide rules or regulations.
- Following the conclusion of the Executive Committee's review of the constitution, they will present their proposed changes to the membership during a regularly scheduled meeting. The member will then vote on whether or not to adopt the amendments to the constitution. Members not present during the scheduled meeting may turn-in their votes prior to the meeting in writing.
Section 2.
- The revised constitution will be presented to the general meeting for approval.
- If the revised constitution is not approved, the members will be notified with recommendations.
Article VII. Changes to the Constitution
The Executive Committee must approve all changes to this constitution in the same manner as a completely new constitution.
Article VIII. Others
- AEC SAU won’t be liable to explain anything except VC, Proctor, Student Advisor, Dean AEBS Sylhet Agricultural University and chief of the advisor of AEC SAU;
- Anyone except the Executive Committee of AEC SAU won’t be able to use the club name (AEC SAU) and its logo without acknowledging the President or General Secretary of AEC SAU.
- To be a member of AEC SAU students have to fill-up the application form with the requested information.
- Every general member has to pay monthly fees fixed by the Executive Committee of the existing committee. This money will be used for the purposes of AEC SAU.
- Members (max. 3) of AEC SAU will be rewarded annually for distinct performance in any field of career.
- The executive committee will publish a yearly magazine.